Your website has a lot to compete wih because of real-world distractions and technical distractions. Offering the best online shopping experience means there’s an endless job of perfecting product pages and the checkout process. These 4 tips help you convert visitors into customers by offering a smoother online shopping experience.
Your small business online presence depends on converting visitors into customers. That means it’s important to try an increase website conversion rates however you can. Breaking down the goal of a small business website down even further, every page should have a purpose and help convert visitors. There is a difference between a landing page … Read more
Knowing when to create a landing page or a web page sounds complex, but it will be more clear after reading this post. When trying to decide landing page vs web page, understanding the basics of each can go a long way. The goal of a landing page isn’t the same as a web page even … Read more
Last week I read a thoughtful article about landing pages. It was about the need to stop picking the landing page details apart thinking they matter. Button color? It probably doesn’t matter if it’s orange or green as long as it stands out. Nope, it’s not always about aesthetics, but it is always about standing … Read more
I’ve received a lot of questions about microsites. There are many companies who believe microsites are great for SEO (search engine optimization). these companies put focus (and their client’s money) on them. There is some confusion around what a microsite, landing page, or local page is, though. Because there is confusion with most users between microsites, landing pages, … Read more