Learn About Search Engine Optimization

The One Beginner SEO Mistake You Can Easily Avoid

The One Beginner SEO Mistake You Can Easily Avoid

By avoiding this one big beginner SEO mistake you’ll reach the right audience for your small business. Not only will you increase your brand reach, you’ll create content that benefits people more. This leads to visitors being more likely to become your customer and join your newsletter.

Why Desktop Converts Better Than Mobile And It Doesn’t Matter

Why Desktop Converts Better Than Mobile And It Doesn't Matter

Your company is in the business of helping people and making money while doing it. Customers will undoubtedly visit your website. Desktop converts better but there are a lot of reasons for that. Learn why they convert better and why it doesn’t matter. You’ll learn some things you can do to to get business easier.

eCommerce Optimization Helps You Reach New Customers Online

eCommerce Optimization Helps You Reach New Customers Online

Learn eCommerce optimization tricks to help you reach new customers on search engines and social media. Search and social are important places to reach customers for your eCommerce store. Your eCommerce store will benefit from being more visible.

Increase Website Conversion Rates On Every Page

Every page is an opportunity to increase website conversion rates.

Your small business online presence depends on converting visitors into customers. That means it’s important to try an increase website conversion rates however you can. Breaking down the goal of a small business website down even further, every page should have a purpose and help convert visitors. There is a difference between a landing page … Read more

5 Search Optimization Tools You Can’t Live Without (And Shouldn’t)

5 Search Optimization Tools You Can't Live Without (And Shouldn't)

This post was recently updated with an advanced keyword research tool on December, 26, 2016. In case you missed it, the last post on The Online Presence Blog was about blogging tools you can’t live without. This week is all about optimizing blog posts for search with search optimization tools that make it easier. Even … Read more

Help Local Customers Find Your Local Business

City small business storefront local business, local customers.

Local businesses also rely on the internet for driving customers locally. Make sure your small business is set up to be present to local customers when they’re searching for you. Without being present for local customers, you’re likely to be overlooking in an increasingly digital world.

SEO Purpose: Does It Really Have One?

SEO Purpose: Does it Really Have One?

Getting traffic to your website is a laborious task. It seems like everywhere you look another company is trying to tighten their grips on organic traffic to your website. SEO is often at odds with search engines but it can work together with them also. The purpose of SEO should really be about aligning your goals with … Read more

Landing Page Search Optimization: Should You Bother?

Landing page search optimization. Should you bother?

Last week I read a thoughtful article about landing pages. It was about the need to stop picking the landing page details apart thinking they matter. Button color? It probably doesn’t matter if it’s orange or green as long as it stands out. Nope, it’s not always about aesthetics, but it is always about standing … Read more

17 Things Your Small Business Website Needs, 11 It Might

17 Things Your Small Business Website Needs, 11 It Might

Every small business website needs a purpose. These small business website needs will help you understand what you need to focus on for a successful business website. With the right items, the website can meet business goals and contribute to the success of your business.

Are Microsites Worth Your Time?

My designer says he needs to create microsites for me. Are microsites worth my time?

I’ve received a lot of questions about microsites. There are many companies who believe microsites are great for SEO (search engine optimization). these companies put focus (and their client’s money) on them. There is some confusion around what a microsite, landing page, or local page is, though. Because there is confusion with most users between microsites, landing pages, … Read more

Create Better Content Than Your Competitors + Infographic

Create better content than your competitors.

This post provides an easy to reference infographic and full details to help you create better content. Ranking for the #1 spot on Google takes a lot of work and time. Ranking for that spot is also a moving target because Google gets smarter every day. I ran across this infographic the other day through a … Read more

Establish Your Expertise, Help You, Help A Reporter (HARO)

Help yourself by helping a reporter (HARO)

Becoming a professional source for news articles is a great way to show your expertise in your field. The difficult part is knowing where to start. Do you contact reporters? Do you seek out news sources you’d like to be featured on? Those are some options, but they may be more difficult than you think. There is … Read more

How To Rank Blog Posts Faster In Search Engines

Peacock Shouting: How To Rank Blog Posts Faster In Search Engines

You just wrote a great new post for your blog and you want everybody to know about. You’ve shared it on social media and received a good bit of traffic, but you still want more. This is one great way to rank blog posts faster in search engines so people can find it. This is just … Read more

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