Website visitors are quick to judge a business website. This quick judgment will determine if they stay or if they leave. You can immerse website visitors with full-width images and capture visitor’s attention. The better you are at showing visitors the benefits of your business faster the better off you are. Immersive full-width images help you accomplish this.
An efficient and fast small business website has a direct impact on how well your website works for you. Efficient small business website images plays a huge part in your website. Search engines partially rank your website on speed and even more important, visitors will judge whether they wait for your website to load in seconds.
Your brand logo represents your business at a glance to your customers. A cheap logo definitely looks cheap especially over time and it may represent your brand as such. Cheap might not be the way you want to be seen by customers. Or maybe it is?
What makes or breaks your brand? A lot of things but at the center of it all is your small business logo. The logo is at the center of defining your brand while your website is at the center of converting visitors into customers.