2017 Small Business Goal Roundup To Get You Thinking
Written by Nick Leffler | Comments Off on 2017 Small Business Goal Roundup To Get You Thinking | 4 min read
Every small business should have a goal for the year in addition to those smaller goals of the month or even week. The 2017 small business goal roundup are some goals other small businesses have set for the next year.
Sometimes it’s nice to see what others are doing for their small business. Seeing what others are doing for their goals can help spark some ideas for your goals.
This roundup will give you an idea of what types of goals others are setting.
Here’s a quick way for you to see what five other small business owner’s goals are for 2017 plus mine. I also included a question about what their business outlook was for the next year. For that one the overall consensus is that 2017 will be better than 2016.
The contributors to this list come from many different sources on the Internet. They aren’t specific examples of the best or worst just real small business owners sharing their goals.
Now it’s time to enjoy looking at what others are hoping to do in 2017.
Our goal is to become a good representation of Hawaii’s coffee industry by sharing not only a different brand of coffee each month with our subscribers, but interesting information about each featured brand and the farm it comes from. We hope that coffee lovers will enjoy discovering new favorites through our coffee club and appreciate it’s value. We really want to bring value to our state’s coffee farms and roasters, not just our customers.
Provide learning solutions to achieve business results.
Goal For 2017
Be the go-to consultant for businesses needing to improve training results. Further develop the Learning Rebels one-on-one/one-to-group coaching model for learning professionals. Develop stronger connections that lead to a stronger client base. Continue to create valuable, must-have content for Learning Rebels supporters. Continue to grow a connected network of Learning Rebels, build the Rebellion! Write another book!
I help concerned pet owners take care of their dogs and cats with natural and holistic pet products in addition to helping 501c3 pet rescues with grants and another option of raising money for their rescue.
Goal For 2017
Focus on webinar presentations and growing and training my team so we can help more pet owners. Continue sharing what I learn about the pet industry and growing my blog following. To become the go-to person for pet owners having questions concerning nutrition and wellness needs for their pets.
I offer branding services for helping small businesses grow their presence online.
Goal For 2017
My goal is to expand The Online Presence Blog to include guest blog posts to expand the helpful information in it for small businesses. I also want to fine tune my bi-weekly newsletter to include a more continuous flow of information. Finally, I am going to release a second eBook to help small businesses grow their brand online.
Outlook for 2017: better
Your Goals
Hopefully this list has given you some ideas of what others are doing and maybe some ideas for your own goals. As you wind up the end of the year it’s time to start thinking about them.
The goals you make now will help drive your actions for the next year. Without a goal then you’ll lack direction and it’ll be difficult to grow your business.
If you’re having a hard time thinking about goals for your small business, you’ll gain some direction from this post but it’s up to you to come up with a unique goal for your small business.
Here’s my one suggestion for every small business if you haven’t done so already:
If you don’t already have an email list started for your small business, there’s never been a better time than this year. You can start building your email list without a website or any costs. You can download my free eBook and start building your small business email list now.
Now go out and conquer 2017 with amazing goals that will get your small business somewhere.
What are your goals? I’d love to hear what they are and you can leave them in the comments section to share with others.